“The Gene Keys is an evolving synthesis of living wisdom whose central purpose is to unlock your higher purpose.”
In our one-on-one sessions and/or Study Groups, we travel through your Gene Keys Profile, I will serve as your guide through the practice of The Art of Contemplation and integration of your Gene Keys, getting to know and becoming intimate with the Shadows and the Gifts they offer. You are invited and supported to discover and embrace your unique Genius and open to your Essence giving you the gift of living in coherence with your unique Genius ~ I feel when we each live from this experience, it truly is for the good and benefit of the Whole.
Scroll down to see the various links to more Gene Key offerings, and begin your journey today.

The Golden Path Guide
We all have our unique path to walk and it is through our connection to our inner wisdom and the clarity, conviction, and commitment that comes from asking the right questions, hearing and trusting the answers, and taking the steps needed, that we are able to live in coherence and authentic expression for the good of the whole.
In my experience when we all take responsibility by aligning with this inner wisdom and embracing our life’s experiences, it truly is for the good of the whole because we are so interconnected.
We spend a day together and take a deep dive around an intention and current life experience that is present for you at this time.
Schedule a 30 minute consultation using the button below to discover more.

Study Groups
With a specific focus, our retreats are created for the evolution and enrichment of life both individually and collectively.
There will be more information about this in the coming months.
Interested in beginning your Gene Keys journey of Self-Exploration?
A bit of background on the Gene Keys
From time immemorial, the saints and sages of all cultures have suggested that inside the human body there exists a code for a higher human evolution – a transcendent state of great compassion and inner freedom. The central premise of the Gene Keys is that this code lies dormant within the actual coils of your DNA. So how do we unlock this code to our higher purpose?
This is where the Gene Keys book comes in. Consisting of 64 human behavioural archetypes, Gene Keys is a codebook of the pitfalls and potentials of human consciousness. Each archetype or ‘Gene Key’ has 3 levels of frequency known as Shadows (victim patterns), Gifts (creative genius) and Siddhis (divine manifestations). As you contemplate Gene Keys over time it takes you on a deep personal journey into your specific Shadow patterns in order that you can unlock their latent higher potential. In the spirit of the original I Ching, Gene Keys teaches from within you by reflecting back the level of your authenticity and awareness as you go about your everyday life. This is an experiential teaching that can trigger a process of profound illumination in your life.