Nicola Hoffman

She has a keen ability to witness and ask generative questions which connects each client with their inner wisdom, Truth, and coherence. The essence of her work is based in the art of inquiry through pausing, asking, and listening with her whole body system ~ Presence.
Nicola is uncompromising in her message of love. While accepting each moment as an opportunity for growth and awareness, she is committed to being a midwife for personal process in times of instability, challenge, or confusion. Because of her professional and personal study of self-inquiry and loving “what is”, Nicola helps her clients seek clarity, courage, and conviction to live in coherence and authentic contribution for the Good of the Whole. Truth is her passion.
In 1986 Nicola received a cancer diagnosis which opened up her world to connect with the healer within. Following her inner guidance with a focused regime, Nicola was able to have a cancer-free report in one month.
In the early 1990’s she was guiding others to connect with their inner wisdom and healer in her coaching and healing practice. Through her unique life’s path at the University of Life, she has studied with numerous visionaries, illuminates, teachers, wisdom healers, shamans, and clinicians. This experiential knowledge and wisdom has been priceless for Nicola’s own practice and way of living and contributing.
She feels very fortunate to have lived a diverse life in East Africa, Ireland, Canada, and now resides in the U.S. on a small farm in the Pacific Northwest with her horses, dogs, and cats.
Schedule a 30-Minute Consultation
Areas of Self Study
- Intuitive energy healing and body system wisdom
- 30+ years of regular meditation practice and study
- Dancing With Horses, inspired by Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling’s work
- Deep dives into:
- The Presence Process (Michael Brown)
- The Work (Byron Katie)
- Eckhart Tolle‘s work
- The Gene Keys (Richard Rudd)
- Transparent Communication (Thomas Hubel)
- Eastern Philosophy