Presence ~ the Gift of Inner Freedom. Presence allows one to be at home within and creates spaciousness for inner truth, healing and wholeness ~ the freedom to Be for the good and benefit of the Whole.

Nicola Hoffman

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote: “Nothing is more precious than being in the present moment. Fully alive, fully aware.”

Life is such an incredible Gift, far beyond what our conscious mind can comprehend. Turn towards what life offers, with the awareness of receiving the gifts needed for the highest good and evolution. Walking alongside those who long to experience inner peace and freedom and are ready and willing to turn towards the Wisdom and Truth of their whole system ~ Body, Emotion, Mind, and Spirit is my life’s passion and Joy. This journey is for the heart that wants to live fully in this life, aligned with their unique gifts and genius. This life is a precious gift, turn towards it, unwrap it, and celebrate this journey ~ the highs and lows equally, all have gifts when embraced with awareness and presence.

Services include:

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I look forward to connecting with you via telephone or zoom for a complimentary 15-minute call to meet each other, and answer any questions you may have.
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Nicola’s exquisite coaching genius has led me through many transformative moments over these last 18 months. Without a doubt, Nicola's greatest brilliance lies in her deep connectedness to the field and ability to pull through the soul's messaging, and then to reflect this to her client with clarity and curiosity. She is always one step ahead in each session, gently guiding, naming, and mirroring all that she senses. Nicola's coaching presence is phenomenal. Through being coached by Nicola, I have been inspired to try different ways of working in my own practice, to listen to my intuition, and truly follow the flow of the energy of the session. Nicola's coaching has therefore impacted my life both personally and professionally in wonderful ways.

Sasha M. Perth, Australia

Guided through the Gene Keys Venus Sequence

Nicola accompanied and guided me through a six-month Transformational Journey through the Venus Sequence in 2022. Her compassionate, gentle, easeful way of guiding created a container that was so safe, so soft, and so sublime. Like a Shaman, she “took the medicine with me” and modeled for me how to be in gentle inquiry and contemplation with her kind and compassionate presence. This experience opened my heart in new ways that have deeply enhanced my relationship with myself, my Beloveds, and the world around me. With her profound capacity for deep listening, I felt truly seen and heard. I have noticed a lightness in my body and my being and a freshness and beauty in my experience of everyday life after working with Nicola. I have a new sense of trust and openness to the intelligence of my body, something that has been a real challenge for me in the past. Working with Nicola felt more like playing most of the time, and I felt deeply honored, respected, and revered in her presence as we moved through each sphere month by month. To quintessentialize the whole experience, I feel as though I’ve been liberated through Love!

Cheryl Shartle, Ohio Founder of Venus Rising 11/16/22

I have had the honor and privilege to experience Nicola in one on one coaching sessions. The incredible container, which she embodies with every cell of her being is a Divine vehicle for the most profound transformation to take place for the Client. She is pure, she is divine, and her presence is an absolute gift. She is an amazing listener, reflects back with such gentleness and with so much love that anyone who is in her magic is truly blessed. I would recommend anyone who is looking for a much deeper experience or transformation to work with Nicola

Justine P Melbourne Australia

I truly don’t know where on my path I would be if Nicola hadn’t been my coach all these months. With her deeply focused and integrated coaching skills and Mind Blowing Intuition she has been a stand in for my Kinder and Higher Self as she has helped awaken my own. To be seen with such keen knowing and non-judgmental responses has been like being rebirthed in a way, seen and nurtured until my fragile ego has begun to give way to the Essential Self that Nicola has uncovered and loved back to Her rightful place. To be open to be coached by Nicola is to give yourself the greatest gift imaginable… a path to true partnership with your Essential self.

Rive N San Francisco CA

I came to Nicola for coaching feeling powerless to create the life I desired due to lack of clarity, confidence, and ability to take effective action. My intention was to know, trust, and love my intuitive self to guide me. Her brilliant insights, rising from her profound and pure depth, resonated deeply (with me/ my highest self) resulting in a total sense of empowerment and conviction which moved me into focused action. She has a gift for weaving my messy bits of truth into a glorious coherent whole that resonates deeply with me giving me the clarity necessary for effective action. I emerged from my sessions with Nicola feeling that I had been met as a co-creative partner and then transformed through a process of deep communion/connection (?) with my highest self facilitated by her pure presence. Receiving a recording and a copy of my “accountability assignment” after each session was extremely helpful in maintaining my commitment to take effective action to fulfill my intentions. The result of my coaching sessions with Nicola has been increased confidence leading to effective actions manifesting my desires. I am joyfully becoming the woman and leader I know I am meant to be!

Anna U Berkley CA

Nicola is a skillful and intuitive coach with an amazing ability to create safety for her clients so they can go where they need to go to have transformational breakthroughs.

Caroline H Johannesburg South Africa

Nicola has the singular ability to see directly inside a problem or concern and offer the perfect insight paired with the precise intervention - all without a hint of judgment. That is rare and spectacular.

Matt P., Bellingham, WA USA

Nicola’s exquisite coaching genius has led me through many transformative moments over these last 18 months. Without a doubt, Nicola's greatest brilliance lies in her deep connectedness to the field and ability to pull through the soul's messaging, and then to reflect this to her client with clarity and curiosity. She is always one step ahead in each session, gently guiding, naming, and mirroring all that she senses. Nicola's coaching presence is phenomenal. Through being coached by Nicola, I have been inspired to try different ways of working in my own practice, to listen to my intuition, and truly follow the flow of the energy of the session. Nicola's coaching has therefore impacted my life both personally and professionally in wonderful ways.

Sasha M. Perth, Australia

Guided through the Gene Keys Venus Sequence

Nicola accompanied and guided me through a six-month Transformational Journey through the Venus Sequence in 2022. Her compassionate, gentle, easeful way of guiding created a container that was so safe, so soft, and so sublime. Like a Shaman, she “took the medicine with me” and modeled for me how to be in gentle inquiry and contemplation with her kind and compassionate presence. This experience opened my heart in new ways that have deeply enhanced my relationship with myself, my Beloveds, and the world around me. With her profound capacity for deep listening, I felt truly seen and heard. I have noticed a lightness in my body and my being and a freshness and beauty in my experience of everyday life after working with Nicola. I have a new sense of trust and openness to the intelligence of my body, something that has been a real challenge for me in the past. Working with Nicola felt more like playing most of the time, and I felt deeply honored, respected, and revered in her presence as we moved through each sphere month by month. To quintessentialize the whole experience, I feel as though I’ve been liberated through Love!

Cheryl Shartle, Ohio Founder of Venus Rising 11/16/22
welcome note

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