Nicola Hoffman
Thich Nhat Hanh wrote: “Nothing is more precious than being in the present moment. Fully alive, fully aware.”
Life is such an incredible Gift, far beyond what our conscious mind can comprehend. Turn towards what life offers, with the awareness of receiving the gifts needed for the highest good and evolution. Walking alongside those who long to experience inner peace and freedom and are ready and willing to turn towards the Wisdom and Truth of their whole system ~ Body, Emotion, Mind, and Spirit is my life’s passion and Joy. This journey is for the heart that wants to live fully in this life, aligned with their unique gifts and genius. This life is a precious gift, turn towards it, unwrap it, and celebrate this journey ~ the highs and lows equally, all have gifts when embraced with awareness and presence.
Services include:
Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation
I look forward to connecting with you via telephone or zoom for a complimentary 15-minute call to meet each other, and answer any questions you may have.
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